Riley’s Journey with Bright Start
Riley joined the Bright Start Education Support Programme when he was 5 years old and consequently was able to complete his Grade R at Valley Pre-Primary; a school held in high esteem by everyone in Hout Bay, especially those of us in the education sector. He then moved on to Grade 1 in Kronendal Primary; an intimate, caring and diverse school where he continues to receive quality education, now in Grade 4.
Riley joined the Bright Start Education Support Programme when he was 5 years old and consequently was able to complete his Grade R at Valley Pre-Primary; a school held in high esteem by everyone in Hout Bay, especially those of us in the education sector. He then moved on to Grade 1 in Kronendal Primary; an intimate, caring and diverse school where he continues to receive quality education, now in Grade 4.
TradeRoot has sponsored Riley’s space on the Bright Start since he was in Grade 1. Through their support, he is not only receiving his Primary education at one of Hout Bay’s best schools, but through the holistic approach of the Bright Start Programme, he has also received (and continues to receive) support through the following areas:
Academic development:
- Educational Psychologist assessment and feedback
- Reading Support
- Weekly academic enrichment sessions
- Homework support
- Occupational Therapy
- Close academic monitoring
Personal well-being and development:
- Access to health practitioners (Paediatrician, Dentist, Optometrist, Biokenticist)
- Mentorship and coaching
- Parental mentorship
- Safe and reliable transport to school and extracurricular activities
- Extra-curricular activities (swimming, karate, pilates)
- Aftercare with classmates
- Regular holiday programmes and outings
This support in academic development and personal well-being and development can be seen in the various labelled photos attached.
Riley’s teacher’s comments about his character and work ethic speak to the personal traits and work ethic which Bright Start and TradeRoot hope to foster:
2018 teacher comment: “Rileys always comes to school with a smile and is an overall happy, kind, and generous student. Riley is always willing to assist and shows impeccable manners at all times with an easy-to-love nature … Riley is an absolute pleasure to teach.”
2020 teacher comment: “He is a quiet and polite boy … He is always focused on the tasks at hand, and works well independently … He has always been prepared for his tests and his homework has been done without fail”.
Riley begins Grade 4 on Monday the 15th of February and we so look forward to seeing Riley continue to grow through our programme; made possible through the financial support of TradeRoot!
Help us support Riley and others by simply donating to our Bright Start cause.